Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the registration process for Optara?

Registration is online and can be done by filling up the registration form present on the website.

2. Is there any registration fee for Institution?

As a part of our mission – Making India Employable, this is free to use platform for Institutions.

3. Is there any verification process before registering on Optara?

Optara team carries out a simple verification process after which your Institution receives the login credentials.

4. Does the Institution need to submit any documents before registering on Optara?

Placement Officers who are registering on behalf of the Institutions are required to submit a permit letter attested by the Institution authority.

5. When will the Institution receive the Username and Password to access the platform?

You will receive an acknowledgment email once we receive your Institution details. Upon verification of all the details, Username and Password will be sent on the registered email address.

6. Can I get multiple login credentials for the placement team for using Optara?

Yes, Institutions can ask for additional logins required to be used by their admin staff or other team members of the placement department.

7. What the immediate steps for Institutions after the registration process?

After completing the registration process, you will receive a username and password to activate your Optara account. After completing the activation, you can start using your account immediately to shortlist interested candidates and schedule them for interviews with the companies.

8. How does optara help corporates?

The hiring process is completely automized, and companies get access to thousands of resumes at the click of a button that makes it easy for the employers to find suitable university/college students as interns or employees.

9. Is the information and data secured on Optara?

Optara is hosted on secure servers and we take extra measures to safeguard our data by applying best in class security software to our servers.

10. Is there any additional assistance provided by the Optara team?

Yes, of course! Our team will help you manage the hiring process plus provide your institution with an added advantage of carrying out the hiring process as per your needs. Additionally, we also counsel and update the candidates about new openings at regular intervals.

11. Whom shall I contact in case I have queries regarding the system?

For all the technical queries you can contact the Optara Support Team by filling the contact us page.